Unlock Growth with
Data-Driven Insights

Empower your decisions with Addressable's analytics platform, providing actionable insights to drive your Web3 project's growth and innovation.

Analytics dashboard illustration

Get To Know Your Followers

Who are your followers?

Understand their demographics, preferences and behaviors to optimize your content and engagement strategies.

What are they doing on-chain?

Uncover the range of on-chain activities your followers engage in. Are they involved in NFT trading or liquidity provisioning? Are they participating in blockchain games, or are they actively trading tokens?

What tokens and NFTs are they holding?

Investigate the variety of tokens and NFTs your followers own, to expand your knowledge about their purchasing habits to better understand their fields of interests.
Analytics dashboard

Discover Your Dream Audience

Analytics dashboard
On-Chain / Off-Chain

Which Chains are They Most Active On?

Uncover valuable insights about your audience's preferred blockchains and protocols. Understand where they are most active.

What's Trending On-Chain?

Stay ahead of the curve by discovering which tokens your audience is actively buying or selling right now. Identify emerging trends and capitalize on them.

What's Trending Off-Chain?

Discover the accounts your audience is following and engaging with on social media.

Influencers & Businesses

Balance Distribution

Understand the distribution of balances within your dream audience. Get a clear picture of their crypto holdings.

Top Influencers for the Audience

Discover the influencers whose opinion matters to  your dream audience. Partnering with these influencers can amplify your reach and establish credibility.

Top Businesses the Audience Follows

Identify the key businesses and brands that your dream audience follows. Leverage your knowledge to forge strategic partnerships and expand your network.

Analytics dashboard

Evaluate Your Performance Against Your Competitors

Competitors Report

Analyze the followers of your competitors to identify potential opportunities and improve your market positioning. Stay ahead of the competition.

Business Metrics Comparison

Measure your user base growth in comparison to your competitors. Evaluate active users, new user acquisition rates, average transaction volume, purchase frequency, and user retention to gain insights that’ll enable you to optimize your performance.

Quality of Your Followers versus Competitors

Assess the level of engagement your followers have with your brand by comparing the number of quality users you have in relation to your competitors. Monitor your social media growth over time in comparison to your competitors to gauge success.

Effectively Engage and Connect With Your Dream Audience

Target Your Dream Audience Effectively

Utilize the most effective marketing channels to reach your dream audience. With Addressable, you can precisely target your audience by creating custom cohorts, based on insights, for more focused campaigns.

Refine Your Messaging

Tailor your paid and organic campaigns’ messaging to match the preferences of your dream audience. By understanding their interests and behaviors, you can optimize your marketing strategy.

Discover the best Business Partners for your goals

Select the most effective business partners based on the data-driven insights we offer. Build mutually beneficial relationships that will help you achieve your marketing goals.

Analyze Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs)

Understand the individuals who shape the narrative of your business, followers, and desired users. Identify the best influencers to champion your brand and amplify your message.

Success Stories

"Addressable Gave Us a Game-Changing Perspective on Our Channels"
The crystal-clear attribution enabled us to understand the impact of each channel on the number of connected wallets and down-funnel events, like strategy creations, trades as well as liquidity per channel. Addressable has undeniably transformed the way we strategize our content, channels and product.
Nate Hindman - Head of Growth @ Bancor
Nate Hindman
Head of Growth @ Bancor
"I’ve slashed my research time by 90% when diving into NFTs and gaming projects"
Using Addressable feels like harnessing the power of Etherscan, Nansen, and Crypto Twitter all at once. I’ve slashed my research time by 90% when diving into NFTs and gaming projects, all thanks to their platform. The ability to instantly gain insights about on-chain and social activity, which are always up-to-date, is unmatched. Furthermore, their seamless integration with Twitter ads and their superior, user-friendly interface sets them apart in the industry.”
Nathan Benish
Nathan Benish
Product Lead @ MatchboxDAO
"The team has been excellent"
They give top tier service, replying within hours and even going above and beyond to make sure we can go live in short time frames.
Emili Lai - VP Marketing @ Hype
Emily Lai
VP Marketing @ Hype
"Addressable’s solution for Web3 attribution and targeting is a true game changer, and the team is exceptional."
Leon Stern - Director of Growth & Digital@ Polygon
Leon Stern
Director of Growth & Digital @ Polygon
"Addressable provided us with the opportunity to target stakeholders and decision-makers"
As a Web3 accelerator, we needed to reach a very specific group - founders and entrepreneurs in the space who were actively involved in building and creating new ventures on-chain,” says Louis Dharma, Head of Hansa Accelerator. “Addressable provided us with the opportunity to target stakeholders and decision-makers who are our most-valued partners. Identifying these specific people and reaching them in the places where our message was most likely to resonate with them was our ultimate goal, and Addressable's platform offered a way for us to do exactly that.
Louis Dharma Photo
Louis Dharma
Head of Accelerator @ Hansa

Your Web3 Brand Depends on Effective Marketing

Get the best return for your marketing campaigns