Enhance Your Targeting Today

Target engaged users based on their on-chain and off-chain activities to drive growth with Addressable's cutting-edge insights and comprehensive data integration.

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Build Audiences Like Never Before - Advanced Filtering for Optimal Targeting

Understanding your audience is the key to successful advertising. With Addressable you gain this understanding and customize your audience based on precise criteria.

On-chain Activities and Holdings

Cater your content to audiences based on the tokens they own or the communities they're a part of. Are they NFT owners? Do they participate in a specific DeFi community? Get nuanced with your targeting.

Demographics and Social Activity

Craft your campaigns based on user demographics: their location, age, and social footprint. This includes who they follow and which businesses pique their interest.

Your Competitors’ engaged users

Reach out to users who engage with your competitors - be it their social media followers or those using their smart contracts.

Users who Engage with your Content or Smart Contract

Focus on users who have interacted with your social media content, website, or smart contracts. Capitalize on their demonstrated interest.
Targeting dashboard

More than just Targeting,
It's Addressable Advertising

We don't only help you identify your perfect audience; we empower you to create resonant, high-impact campaigns. By harmonizing organic and paid strategies, Addressable elevates your marketing initiatives to unprecedented heights. We provide you the chance to directly reach out to those who truly matter, through effectively curated paid campaigns.
Moreover, we recognize the importance of an omni-channel approach. With Addressable, your project gets exposure across an expansive range of platforms: from Twitter and Instagram to Programmatic Display, TikTok, Reddit, and beyond. Your message doesn't just meet your audience - it follows them, seamlessly, into the most relevant mediums for your dream audience.
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Measure Your Success for Accurate Decision Making

Our dashboard for both Web2 and Web3 marketing efforts provides you with a single source of truth for attribution across both mediums. You can now track the performance of your marketing campaigns across both Web2 and Web3, giving you a holistic, big picture overview of your outreach’s success and efficacy. By doing so, you will be able to:


which campaigns are driving the most conversions and optimize your marketing spend.


which campaigns are driving the most revenue and customer lifetime value (LTV) on-chain.


which segments are converting better than others for your current product offering, and gain the ability to double down on your outreach or retarget elsewhere.


your marketing budget much more effectively. Understand where to increase spend on aspects that are working, and when to eliminate channels that aren’t delivering a valuable outcome.

Success Stories

"Addressable Gave Us a Game-Changing Perspective on Our Channels"
The crystal-clear attribution enabled us to understand the impact of each channel on the number of connected wallets and down-funnel events, like strategy creations, trades as well as liquidity per channel. Addressable has undeniably transformed the way we strategize our content, channels and product.
Nate Hindman - Head of Growth @ Bancor
Nate Hindman
Head of Growth @ Bancor
"I’ve slashed my research time by 90% when diving into NFTs and gaming projects"
Using Addressable feels like harnessing the power of Etherscan, Nansen, and Crypto Twitter all at once. I’ve slashed my research time by 90% when diving into NFTs and gaming projects, all thanks to their platform. The ability to instantly gain insights about on-chain and social activity, which are always up-to-date, is unmatched. Furthermore, their seamless integration with Twitter ads and their superior, user-friendly interface sets them apart in the industry.”
Nathan Benish
Nathan Benish
Product Lead @ MatchboxDAO
"The team has been excellent"
They give top tier service, replying within hours and even going above and beyond to make sure we can go live in short time frames.
Emili Lai - VP Marketing @ Hype
Emily Lai
VP Marketing @ Hype
"Addressable’s solution for Web3 attribution and targeting is a true game changer, and the team is exceptional."
Leon Stern - Director of Growth & Digital@ Polygon
Leon Stern
Director of Growth & Digital @ Polygon
"Addressable provided us with the opportunity to target stakeholders and decision-makers"
As a Web3 accelerator, we needed to reach a very specific group - founders and entrepreneurs in the space who were actively involved in building and creating new ventures on-chain,” says Louis Dharma, Head of Hansa Accelerator. “Addressable provided us with the opportunity to target stakeholders and decision-makers who are our most-valued partners. Identifying these specific people and reaching them in the places where our message was most likely to resonate with them was our ultimate goal, and Addressable's platform offered a way for us to do exactly that.
Louis Dharma Photo
Louis Dharma
Head of Accelerator @ Hansa

Your Web3 Brand Depends on Effective Marketing

Get the best return for your marketing campaigns