December 11, 2023
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Addressable’s December updates: Twitter App Install Campaign Support and Performance Results by Metric

It was another exciting month for Addressable working to help you optimize your campaigns and analytics with improved app promotion and decision making.


  1. You can now boost app installations using Addressable’s Twitter App Install campaigns.
  2. Improve decision making with metric-level “Results” views in your Addressable+ performance dashboard.

Now supporting “App Install” Twitter campaigns

You can now launch and manage Twitter “App Install” objective campaigns from Addressable to target mobile-first audiences for app downloads.

Note that optimizing based on installs requires an integration between X and a supported Mobile Measurement Partner.

Enhanced Addressable+ dashboard views: Toggle to view performance by metric

You can now toggle between results views for additional metric types in your Addressable+ Campaigns Performance Dashboard. Depending on your objective, you can toggle between views for the following metrics:

Do you have suggestions or ideas for features or enhancements that we should offer? Have feedback about your experience so far? Get in touch with us - we’d love to hear from you.

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