Addressable’s November updates: Performance dashboard - global & campaign level, improved campaign launch & results by channel

This month: Improved global and new campaign-level dashboards let you easily synthesize and filter campaign results, including by channel: Both Addressable and non-Addressable (global board) campaigns, improved campaign launch with budget, time period, and geo settings, and much more!
- Addressable contributes tech and expertise to CryptoAidIsrael Web3 community relief initiative
- Addressable+ Enhancements: Improved analytics and dashboards
- Simplified campaign launching: Streamlined budget, time period and geographic setup controls
- Campaign-level performance and optimization dashboards
Contributing our tech for relief: From whales to retail, how web3 users support CryptoAidIsrael
Joining forces with CryptoAidIsrael to contribute our insights and optimization expertise

As an Israeli company, October’s tragic terror attack hit hard on personal and communal levels. Amidst the fear and grief, the Israeli crypto world rallied in support! Leaders like Fireblocks and MarketAcross formed CryptoAidIsrael, a coalition of 20 Israeli Web3 brands facilitating crypto donations to victims. We proudly joined CAI, lending our specialized experience. In this blog, our chief scientist, Asaf Nadler, highlights how our tech helped CAI address critical analytical questions, and how we used it to optimize their campaigns.
Addressable+ Enhancements: Performance-based, auto-optimized campaigns, with improved analytics
Effortless, campaign-wide audience refinement to maximize your Web3 growth marketing budget and strategy’s impact
We further enhanced Addressable+! You now get even deeper and more customizable insights and performance dashboards for your effortlessly, automatically performance-based-optimized campaigns with ongoing CPA reduction! See more in our blog.
Simplified campaign launching: Streamlined budget, time period and geographic setup controls
Setting up and launching Twitter campaigns is now easier and less confusing. Now you can set up better, quicker, easier. Set max daily and total budgets, start/end dates and geo. If a campaign fails, you get a detailed notification in your platform campaign list.
Campaign-level performance & optimization dashboards: Results summary and detailed activity views
We added new campaign-level dashboards to analyze your Addressable campaign insights. In Results view see a campaign-specific performance chart and top metrics. In Activity view, if you use Addressable+, see specific details about each ongoing intelligent, performance-based optimization and the incremental impression and CTR improvement from each optimization.

Have ideas for features or enhancements we should offer? Want to share feedback about your experience with our platform? Get in touch with us - we’d love to hear from you.